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Explore Astrofame Rewards, our loyalty program that transforms every interaction into tangible and exclusive benefits. Whether you're consulting, sharing, or referring, each action brings you closer to valuable rewards. Ready to start enjoying these perks?
Astrofame Rewards is our loyalty program designed to reward every interaction you have with our experts and platform. Whether you consult with our expert advisors, share your reviews, or refer friends, each action allows you to accumulate points that you can then convert into exclusive and enriching rewards.
You can earn points in several ways: by consulting our experts via chat, phone, or video (1 point for every 5 minutes), by asking questions via email (up to 4 points per question), by leaving a review (up to 8 points per review), by sharing your favorites (5 points per favorite), and by referring friends (10 points per referral).
You can earn up to 200 points per month through your consultations.
By leaving reviews, you can earn 5 points for the first three experts you rate each month.
Additionally, you receive 3 extra points per review per expert if the expert hasn't received a review in the past 7 days or has fewer than 50 reviews.
Promotional offers also allow you to accumulate points, except for gift cards and free offers.
Once you reach a total of 2000 points, you will need to convert your points in order to continue accumulating more.
Your points can be redeemed for a variety of rewards, including interactive content, invitations to exclusive events, personalized wellness gifts, and special benefits on Astrofame.
Once you've accumulated enough points, you can redeem them for rewards through your customer account. You'll find a list of available rewards and can select the ones that interest you, based on your points balance.
Signing up for Astrofame Rewards is simple, quick, and free. Create or log in to your Wengo customer account and follow the instructions in your customer area to enroll. Once registered, you'll start accumulating points from your very first interaction.
You can easily track your accumulated points by logging into your Wengo customer account. There, you'll find a dashboard that details the number of points you've earned, the actions that contributed to your points, and the rewards you've redeemed as well as those still available.
1 week ago - belle_eyez consulted
3 months ago - rach351 consulted
8 months ago - mumbun32 consulted
10 months ago - sabjoh44 consulted
1 year ago - jeffary369 consulted
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